Boston Gear Stainless Steel 700 Series Speed Reducers for Olive Processing Lines

August 16, 2012
Olive Processing Lines

A large olive producer had tried various epoxy-coated speed reducers and found that they could not hold up to the acidic brine solutions and oils used on the processing lines at their production plant.

Boston Gear Stainless Steel 700 Series speed reducers were installed and provided the corrosion resistance required to meet this challenging caustic washdown application environment.

Stainless Steel 700 Series speed reducers feature an innovative rounded housing design, plastic hardware covers, and a two-piece mounting base designed to prevent foreign matter adherence and fluid accumulation on or under the units. All models incorporate the trusted Boston Gear 700 Series worm gearing and have been optimized to withstand the harshest conditions.

The housings, motor flange, and carrier are crafted from 316SS to endure tough, caustic washdowns while preventing microbial contamination and bacterial growth. The integral input worm and shaft are made from high-strength, case-hardened alloy steel for long-lasting performance. A large internal oil reservoir is filled with H1 food-grade lubricant (Klubersynth UH 1 6-460) and sealed for life, providing a wide range of operating temperatures and extended wear life.

SS700 Series Speed Reducers