2017 Third Quarter Power Review

September 18, 2017
Power Review 2017 Q3

The third edition of the 2017 Power Review is now available.

In this issue, Altra introduces a new Altra webinar website which includes the Altra Webinar Series and Altra OnDemand webinars, the Altra How-to Videos series that is accessible on the Altra YouTube page, and the latest additions to the Altra Newsroom.

Altra has a new How-To Video series on the Altra YouTube page. The How-To series offers helpful videos on a variety of industrial applications. In addition to the How-To videos, other videos are available for: Warner Electric, Warner Linear, Boston Gear, and TB Woods. With these, viewers can create custom playlists to either save videos or to watch later, as well as share them via email or other social media sites. Videos are available on www.YouTube.com/AltraMotion.

There is now a website devoted to the Altra Webinar Series and OnDemand webinars! This website highlights both the Webinar Series as well as their OnDemand availability to anyone who was not able to attend the live presentations. The Altra Webinar Series is open to the public and held on the first Wednesday of each month at 10am (CST). The goal of these programs is to highlight product solutions within a given application. In addition to product solutions, they will also include topics that can enhance customers’ success with our products. View all webinar information at www.AltraWebinars.com.

The full list of upcoming North American shows, dates and locations that Altra will attend is available at www.Altramotion.com/Tradeshow.

Get connected with Altra news in the Altra Newsroom. Altra makes it quick and easy for you to get the news that you need. From new literature releases to the scheduled trade shows, the latest news is available at your fingertips 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Visit the Altra Newsroom today at www.Altramotion.com/Newsroom, and don’t forget to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Google+, and link with us on LinkedIn.

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